大干四季度 阔步新征程 | 全球单套产能最大醋酸项目完成全部大型设备吊装
Recently, the Grand Resource (Jieyang) Acetic Acid Project, the world’s largest single-unit acetic acid production project, led by CNCEC-TCC as the general contractor, successfully completed the installation of all large equipment. The project has now entered into a new phase, focusing on the installation of medium and small equipment, as well as the prefabrication and installation of piping systems.
该项目是广东省“百千万工程”重点项目,建设重点内容包含150万吨/年醋酸装置、CO深冷分离及压缩装置及配套公用工程、辅助设施等。项目建成后,将填补广东省醋酸产能空白,为当地经济社会发展注入新的活力,带动相关产业发展,创造更多就业机会。下一步,项目团队将以“大干四季度 阔步新征程”劳动竞赛活动为抓手,紧盯任务目标节点,抢抓施工黄金期,坚决打赢生产经营的“主动战”,以实际行动落实中国化学“135”战略,助力集团公司向世界一流企业目标迈进。